Saturday 30 March 2013

Project: Printing and publishing part 2

Exercise : Sourcing books

I took five different books in hardback, which a few of them are stitched and some of them are glued. I definitely prefer the one that has been stitched as they look more professional and the pages adhere better.




 I have been asked to do  a research about “ fanzines” . Lucky enough I can give a few examples from my life when I was very active member of fan clubs as a teenager. Well that was ages ago; however, I can remember my contribution towards the final look.  My first one was the school fan magazine that I was responsible for the graphic design . It contained the news, competitions  from my school . Sometimes I managed to get an autograph from the famous Polish person for this magazine.   

Two magazines were about my favourite Polish musicians: Justyna Steczkowska and Mieczyslaw Szczesniak. Unfortunately, I do not have any of them in my archives



I have managed to do a research about fanzines on internet and now I can see how different they are from a design perspective. They have limited amount of colours and tones.  I may even say that they are black and white usually as that is the cheapest way of producing the illustration.  They treat different subjects as different people, who are trying to protest against different problems, produce them. Some of them are less serious then the other.



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