Sunday 1 December 2013

Exercise 2: Creating images


I think that it would be useful to go back to previous part of my college book and compare my first illustrations with my current perception of the word "IDENTITY".  I can see clearly how I have changed in the last few months.  Becoming a mother has changed my life completely; therefore the most important illustration will be about motherhood.  I feel so close to the country that I come from; as strong as I did a few months ago. Being Polish is still a part of me however not as important as it use to be.   

It took me long while to think about 16 different words that describe my identity now. 




I wanted to create a character that looks like a little version of me.  I was thinking to place that little person on most of the illustrations and this is how the character evolved.  My husband is the audience that always has the first glimpse of my art work. He suggested to give that character a bit more body.  It means to draw it with hands and legs not only with some lines that look like a pair of sticks.  I liked the first couple of my sketches however I got the feedback from my husband that the little girl looks like someone just opened her head and the viewer can see the inside of her head.  Well I decided to change it after that comment.

Why does my character looks a bit childish someone may wonder? There is a big reason behind this look.  As I would like to be an illustrator of childrens' books in the future, I thought about this exercise as a great opportunity for creating a line of illustrations for my future portfolio.




My sketches and rough ideas for my illustrations. 
generating ideas sketch  
sketches of my main character


I decided to use the same materials to create illustrations that have been kept in the same style.  I do not know why but simple string has been always one of my favourite art materials next to masking tape and black ink.  This time I used string, masking tape and paints to create the idea for the illustration.  The next step was to produce a collage using Photoshop.  


narrative sketch number 1 
Finished illustration " Motherhood " 

The main part of this illustration is my son's name Leo in the middle of the heart. The string underneath symbolises the bond between the mother and the child. This is the first illustration where I used the cartoon character of myself.

 sketch number 2 

Marriage is the second most important part of my identity at the moment.  I did not like the word "forever" in the top part of the illustration therefore I have removed it from the finished illustration.  I have also used a photo of myself and my husband to make it more personal.  I am pleased with the background where I used different brushes and colours to create a very unsettled space as a meaning of life where in the middle part I have placed a heart with a clear space as a symbol of happy and steady relationship with my husband.

 illustration called :" Marriage"
sketch number 3 

There is no hidden message on this picture.  Jazz is the type of music that I like the most and is always with me wherever I go.  I wish to be in a jazz band like Woody Allen however it is only a dream.

illustration called : "My favourite music" 

sketch number 4

No hidden messages again.  I just have a sweet tooth as many people say. I love cakes and coffee as this is great way to catch up with old friends.


illustration called :"Sweet things"

sketch number 5

 sketch number 6

Love is very important to me.  I can not live without being loved and without loving somebody.  This emotion makes me who I am.  We have been created by love therefore we should make our lives better by sharing this amazing gift of love.

illustration called :" Everyone needs love" 
  sketch number 7

My life is based on honesty to myself and to everyone that I meet or live with.  It is a shame that many people cannot be honest with themselves, the world could be a better place if only we said what we think.  I decided to play with this word by creating ho-nesty and drawing a little nest inside the letter "o".

illustration called :" Ho-nest-y" 
   sketch number 8

I like the expression "piece of mind", from one point of view it matches my comments on "honesty" above.  I don't try to be mean, but if I have to be honest and openly critical, I will do this.  Also I like the fact that "piece of mind" is close to "peace of mind", its a shame the two expressions seem like opposites, but it also makes it more interesting.  This is why I wanted to keep this illustration simple, with the words themselves leaving the reader to draw their own interpretation of the expression.

illustration called :" Piece of mind"

  sketch number 9

I could not make a decision which word is more important to me, passion or compassion.  I made the illustration using both as the word compassion has the passion inside.

 illustration called : "Com-Passion"
   sketch number 10
 illustration called :"I will give anything if you need"
  sketch number 11

Nature is very close to my heart. I love being surrounded by natural things like trees and flowers. The knowledge that I can always go and spend some time in the park or in the forest makes me a happier person.

illustration called :"Close to the nature" 
   sketch number 12

Sometimes I take a book full of poems and as a great way to stop and think for a while....

illustration called :"Poetry is a honey to my soul "
   illustration number 13

Art has been always a big part of my personality.  It is a great way to express my opinion or my mood.  I just cannot imagine my life without being creative.  I know I will always stick to art no matter what.



 illustration called : "Contemporary soul"
   sketch number 14
illustration called :" Culture" 
   sketch number 15

This illustration is a symbol of a home.  I have moved house many times therefore I try not to get attached too much to the place rather than people.  People are more important to me, they make us to feel like we are at home.

illustration called :" Home is where my heart is"
   sketch number 16

I still keep the national anthem close to my heart however it seems to become less important to me at the moment as I created a family with someone from a different country than Poland.  I used the national anthem as an idea for this illustration.

illustration called :" Polish tune "

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