Thursday, 6 June 2013

Assignment Two -Jacket design

Assignment 2

Jacket design

The brief

Create jacket artwork for the Beat generation classic,  “ On the Road “ by Jack Kerouac. The publishers, Viking Press, have decided to re-release this title in hardback form, and want a new jacket design to reflect the beatnik and avant-garde nature of this classic novel.


Your design will need to include front, back, spine and flaps.  You’ll need to source images, either from Bridgeman Art Library , Oxford Art Online, or crate your own original imagery-illustration, photography or artwork. You will need to produce three different design versions and each will need to be mocked-up on the hardback book and photographed.
Research and develop ideas

The plot

The story takes place in America and Mexico in the last part of the book. This is the picture of young people living in America in 1947-1950 and it shoves the behaviour, style ,trends and the way of thinking the Beat generation. The book is divided into four parts where Sal Paradise is the narrator and Dean Morirty is his friend.
On the Road by Jack Kerouac -Viking Press

The book cover is very simple . The colour on the front cover is black with the small illustration in the middle of the page. The illustration looks very peculiar to me therefore I need to come with something different to my art interests. As far as I can see the illustration does not sent the straight message to the viewer. There is no simple image or a shape that the reader can easy relate to .

I think I need to keep it as simple as I can . I will use one colour for the background definitely. However, my only question is: Where can I go to look for the inspiration for this illustration?

I want to crate something modern with some old fashion themes and shapes. The only place that came to my mind was The Henry Moore Foundation in Perry Green near the place I leave. I was very lucky to be a friend of that foundation; therefore, I went there a few times to contemplate the sculptures created by Henry Moore.

Why did I think about that place? The reason for that was the amount of different and bizarre shapes created by this famous artist.

I took two pictures  at  The Henry Moore Foundation at Perry Green early this May 2013
Henry Moore ' Sheep Piece '1971-72
Henry Moore ' Large Reclining Figure 1984
Henry Moore ' Large Upright - Internal/External Form 1981-82
Henry Moree 'Three Piece Sculpture: Vertebrae 1968
Henry Moree ' The Arch ' 1969 

Sketches- pencil on paper

Sketches reduced to the simple shapes - black ink and pen on paper

Develop the idea using the computer program


First stage of mock-up

Image 1 on different backgrounds:

How does the background react with the main illustration?  


The illustration disappears on the blue background therefore; I will not be using this for my assignment.



The illustration is more visible on this background however; it is not my favourite combination of colours.


This option looks much better so far.  I like the contrast between the illustration, the background and the other parts of the book cover.  I think I might be using this combination as a finish book cover.


This one is definitely no for me.  I do not like the white parts of the book cover, they do not go well with the illustration.

There is a good contrast between the background and the illustration.  However, there is not much difference between the background and the other parts of the book cover.  Does the temperature of the illustration go well with the background?  I m not so sure.

Image 2 on different backgrounds

I do like the contrast between the illustration and the background colour. However, the book cover parts merge with the blue background.  Is this the best combination?  Does not look like that to me.



The colours of the background and the parts of the book cover clash completely.  Moreover, the illustration looks bad on this background.

I do like this one.  I think the overlook is good and it might be the best choice so far. The illustration is definitely visible here and I am happy with the temperature of the background and the other parts.


I don’t like none of them . The colours clash on both pictures and the illustration seems to disappear.

Image 3 on different backgrounds

This is the last illustration that needs comparing with the colour of the background.  I will use the experience from the two previous illustrations and I will make my decision base on that.  I think this is the best choice based on the colour temperature and the shapes on my illustration.


Final  visual outcomes:

illustration 1

book cover

book spine

book flap

book back

Illustration 2

book cover

book spine

book flap

back of the book

illustration 3

book spine

book flap

the back of the book

Project: Approaches to design -Exercise 5

Exercise : 10 book designers

1)  Jan Tschichold


Titlepage for Typographische Gestaltung written and designed by Jan Tschichold

2) Eric Gill

  • 3) Neville Brody

    4) David Carson

    5) El Lissitsky

    6) Wolfgang Weingart

    7) Sara Fanelli

    8) Dan Eldon

    9) Paul Rand

    10) Phil Baines


    El Lissitsky  and Sara Fanelli


    I made my choice and decided to take work of El Lissitsky and Sara Fanelli for this exercise.  I selected two completely different artists from each other.  Will I manage to find any similarities between them?  We will see.

    How does the design of El Lissitsky compare with a design of Sara Fanelli ?


    The design of Sara Fanelli is completely different to the design of El Lissitsky. I am talking about the colours, the shapes, the contest, the size of every individual part of the illustration.  Both artist are from different eras  therefore they used different tools to produce their illustration. Another consequence of that is the subject of their work.


    Do El Lissitsky and Sara Fanelli cover designs have anything in common?

    I do not see anything in common between those two artists.


    I could not believe how difficult was for me to create a trace of the illustration by El Lissitsky. His lines were straight and some of them were curved which made this task more complicated. I had no problems with the illustration by Sara Fanelli as the lines were less complicated and easy to recreate.