Thursday 6 June 2013

Creating a cover design - Exercise 4

Exercise : The Figure

I am very curious about this exercise.  It is going to be an interesting task in terms using such a limited amount of tools that I can use.  I am interesting how many different options I will come with. Will it be enough?  Will I use my creativity in the best way for this task?  On the other hand, is it just a technical exercise where is no room for being creative?


My tools for this exercise are:


  • An image of the figure
  • The words ‘The Figure’
  • A block of colour of my choice


I decided to take an beige colour for this task to see if it is going to be difficult to create the contrast between the same colour temperature .



I had lot of fun working on this task. I have to admit that I could not stop creating new options and new ways of exploring that subject. Did I use my creative side during this exercise? Yes I did definitely ! Did I come with new ways of exposing the space? Yes I did come with the new ways of using the tools and exposing the space .It was very helpful task  in terms of using the technical skills. It helped me to be more open to the different solutions.     


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