Thursday 6 June 2013

Project: Approaches to design -Exercise 5

Exercise : 10 book designers

1)  Jan Tschichold


Titlepage for Typographische Gestaltung written and designed by Jan Tschichold

2) Eric Gill

  • 3) Neville Brody

    4) David Carson

    5) El Lissitsky

    6) Wolfgang Weingart

    7) Sara Fanelli

    8) Dan Eldon

    9) Paul Rand

    10) Phil Baines


    El Lissitsky  and Sara Fanelli


    I made my choice and decided to take work of El Lissitsky and Sara Fanelli for this exercise.  I selected two completely different artists from each other.  Will I manage to find any similarities between them?  We will see.

    How does the design of El Lissitsky compare with a design of Sara Fanelli ?


    The design of Sara Fanelli is completely different to the design of El Lissitsky. I am talking about the colours, the shapes, the contest, the size of every individual part of the illustration.  Both artist are from different eras  therefore they used different tools to produce their illustration. Another consequence of that is the subject of their work.


    Do El Lissitsky and Sara Fanelli cover designs have anything in common?

    I do not see anything in common between those two artists.


    I could not believe how difficult was for me to create a trace of the illustration by El Lissitsky. His lines were straight and some of them were curved which made this task more complicated. I had no problems with the illustration by Sara Fanelli as the lines were less complicated and easy to recreate.

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